Foothills Dance Academy's Moving Little Mountains is a dance program for students aged 2 to 6 years old. An introduction to Ballet, Jazz and/or Tap, Moving Little Mountains is a program designed for children to fall in love with the music and movement of Ballet and dance, through a variation of themed classes and structured classes.
The Teeny Dancing class is a class for Toddlers accompanied by an adult. Tiny Ballet, Jazz and Tap is for students aged 2 turning 3 and 3 turning 4, and Petit Ballet, Jazz and Tap is for students aged 4 turning 5 and 5 turning 6. Students are assessed individually and placed in the most suitable class to ensure they are learning and developing into the best dancers they can be.
Please note: Students stay in the Tiny class once they have turned 4 and will go into the Petit class in the following year.
Click here to find a class time to suit your little dancer.