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These policies are in place to protect our students and ensure that they are learning in a fun, safe and friendly environment. Foothills Dance Academy prides itself on being a friendly, all inclusive dance school. 


No photography (still shots or videoing) is permitted during classes. Photos may be taken before or after class of your child. Permission from other children’s guardians must be given before photos are taken of them.



Correct uniform is an important part of students' preparations for class and allows the class teacher to assess and correct students equally. The correct footwear and hairstyles are a requirement to participate in class*.

*Students trialing classes do not need the correct uniform, footwear or hairstyles for the first two lessons. As of the third class and registration, students must adhere to the correct footwear and hairstyles.


Any form of bullying will not be tolerated from students, teachers or parents, be it during class time or out of class hours. Anyone found to be participating in any form of bullying will be asked to leave the school immediately. Please refer to the Code of Conduct and Commitment to Child Safety for more information. Any form of bulling must be reported to the Principal of the school. 


A guardian must accompany students to the start of their classes, including accompanying them from the car to the studio. Guardians are not to watch their students walk from the car to enter class. If arriving late, wait for an appropriate moment to enter, apologise for being late and join the class.


As with arriving to class, students must be collected by a guardian from the studio, including accompanied to the car. Watching your student walk to the car is not acceptable. The final class for the evening must assist with packing up and walk out with the teacher. 



  • Please ask if you need to go to the toilet or need a drink

  • Inform us if you are unable to attend class

  • Arrive at least five minutes before the scheduled class starting time, to change into your dance shoes. It is recommended that older students arrive 15 minutes early to class to prepare and warm up for class

  • Ensure you bring in all the necessary shoes and items for class

  • Please be mindful of children with allergies and do not send your child with nuts as a snack


By the term:

All term fees are to be paid by the fourth week of term. Failing to do so will incur a late fee of $25 per student.


Casual class fees must be paid for at the start of each class. Payments are to be in the correct amount and in an envelope stating the student's name and classes they are attending.


Parents, guardians, friends and family are encouraged to view the last class of Terms 1 and 2, to see what students have learnt throughout the term. Please ensure all mobile devices are switched to silent and children watching do not distract the students' dancing. Viewing of classes is not permitted throughout the term, as students need to focus and concentrate on instructions and corrections provided by the teacher.

At Foothills Dance Academy, we understand that joining a class for the first time can be daunting to students, particularly students in the Moving Little Mountains program. Therefore, parents/guardians may stay with children trialling Junior and above levels for the first lesson, and while children in the Moving Little Mountains program settle into class. At Foothills Dance Academy, we are very lucky to be located so close to the playground, local shops and cafes as well as the picturesque towns of the Mt Dandenong Ranges. Take some time out for yourself while your little dancer enjoys their classes. 




Cnr Mountain Highway and Forest Road

The Basin


0418 740 379

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