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Timetable is subject to change and is dependant on the number of students enrolling in each class.
Teeny Dancing: toddlers and grown ups
Tiny: 2 turning 3 and 3 turning 4
Petits: 4 turning 5 and 5 turning 6
Junior: 6 turning 7 and 7 turning 8
Intermediate: 8 turning 9 and 9 turning 10
Pre-Senior: 10 turning 11 and 11 turning 12
Senior: 12 turning 13 and 13 turning 14
Senior Advanced: 14 turning 15 and above
Please note: Students are assessed as individuals and will be placed into the appropriate class on recommendation from the class teacher. Students will progress into the next level annually. Therefore if a student has a birthday in April they do not progress into the next level immediately.
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